Our Heart for and Dedication to Serving Rural America
Our Team

Co-Founder & Manager

Former House Agriculture Committee Chairman

Senior Counsel

Senior Policy Consultant

Member & Events Manager



Defending Agricultural Interest
We know the critical impact that agriculture producers have on our nation's economy. From our beginnings - organizing agriculture in the 2005 Budget Reconciliation fight - we've distinguished ourselves as trustworthy leaders in representing agricultural and rural interest at the federal level.
Standing True to Our Rural Values
As a small firm with rural roots and a national scope, we're proud of the extensive reach and meaningful change that Combest, Sell & Associates has achieved over the years. With decades of combined agricultural and legal experience, our team is dedicated to each client's success. We utilize our unique skillsets to advocate in your best interest and invoke sound policies and support for our rural communities.

Combest, Sell & Associates was established in January of 2005, when Tom Sell was approached to re-engage Larry Combest, a former Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, to bring their particular talents back to the field in Washington. A coalition of agricultural interests from across the nation sought out their counsel and leadership to protect the agricultural baseline in the 2005 Budget Reconciliation Process – an effort that was ultimately very successful.
Over the years, our firm has continued to progress as a distinguished leader and force to represent countless notable associations, coalitions, and corporations on agricultural, food security, and rural issues.
Our legacy here at Combest, Sell & Associates is to honor the legacy of our now retired co-founder, Larry Combest. With years of service - and primary authorship of the 2000 crop insurance rewrite and the 2002 Farm Bill - the Honorable Larry Combest has undoubtedly left his mark on agricultural policy, not only across the U.S. but the world.

Wins for Agriculture
Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024
Read MoreDisaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2023
Read MoreDisaster Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2022
Read MoreCoronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2019-2020
Read MoreBipartisan Budget Act of 2018
Read MoreAgriculture Improvement Act of 2018
Read MoreAgricultural Act of 2014
Read MoreFood, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008
Read More